Tuesday, May 26, 2015

18 Things That Go Through My Head During A Hangover

These past few days were one for the books. Not only did this weekend start off the summer but it was also my first 4-day weekend since Thanksgiving. So yes I enjoyed myself, maybe a little too much.

After a non-stop 3-day drinking binge, my Memorial Day consisted of me laying in bed until dinner time. My hangover was possibly the worst I've ever experienced. Finally a Monday off, and it felt like a punishment. Well deserved I may say, since I know better than to drink many raspberry LITs as if the sweetness of them wouldn't effect me.

The thoughts that went through my head yesterday ranged from what should I eat or do I have to vomit? During this time, I realized so many things go through my head during my hangover days. So what comes to my mind may seem a little crazy, yet some will find it very normal....

1. Am I dying?

2. Why is the world so damn Bright?

3. I need to wait until the next morning to Instagram pictures.

4. Did I look cute while I was dancing last night?

5. I'm too old to feel like this.

6. Why was I drinking anything that was put in front of me?

7. I should have stayed in and drank a bottle of wine.

8. Not taking Advil before I went to bed was a mistake.

9. Why is my mom talking so damn loud?

10. Water is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

11. I need Chinese food NOW.

12. Ew my hair smells like an ashtray.

13. I promised myself I wouldn't drunk eat!

14. I'm never drinking like that again.

15. Am I ever going to not be tired?

16. Did I smell this bad yesterday?

17. A fountain soda will make everything better.

18. Maybe I should just drink again...


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