Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Why Is Wine Always The Answer?

Each day, after walking in my front door from work, I have yet to find a reason to NOT pour myself a glass of wine. Wine seems to be my go-to at all hours of the day, all days of the week. It tastes great, it makes me feel great, and it is greatly relaxing. Wine is always the answer to my problems, feelings, or just plain drink choice.

Not only is wine great to drink with dinner, dessert, and even breakfast during a rough morning, but what makes wine the answer is having the people I surround myself with love it also. I thought maybe everybody loved it so much because it was a quick fix to get a buzz, but then I realized there are plenty of other "quick fixes" out there.

So you would think for someone that drinks/thinks/blinks wine on a daily bases would know a lot about it... Not really.  I don't know the difference between Cabernet and Merlot, and I definitely do not know how long you need to leave wine fermenting before it is ready. I spend my time enjoying it, not learning it.

What I do know is why wine is so damn enjoyable, and there isn't just one reason, there are a few...

1. It's made from a fruit.


2. Your girlfriends love it.

3. It's cheap because an $8 bottle and a $48 bottle taste the same.

4. You sleep like you used to when you were 8 years-old after a few glasses.


5. You can drink it at all hours of the day.

6. You can drink it out of the bottle.

7. It makes you do stupid things, willingly.

8. There is no such thing as a glass "too big" for wine.

9. You can drink it in your PJ's happily.

10. You enjoy drinking it when you're sad.


10. You enjoy drinking it when you're happy.

11. It's healthy for you.

12. It makes dinners more fun.

13. You look sophisticated drinking it.

14. You enjoy spending your money on it.

15. It helps you speak your feelings.

16. It's an activity to do while hanging out with a friend.

17. It's legal.

18. Most importantly, it gets you drunk without tasting like rubbing alcohol.

Dedicated to Maria Resasco*

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

13 Reasons Your Boyfriend Is Your Best Friend

Best-Friend (noun) The definition of a best friend is a person who you value above other friends in your life, someone you have fun with, someone you trust, and someone in whom you confide. The first person you call when you get good news, or want to go out for a bite to eat is an example of your best friend.

As a little girl I would ask my mom who her "best friend" was and her answer was always "Dad". Being young I found that hard to believe because I thought a girls best friend was suppose to be another girl... well I was wrong.

Growing up without a sister forced me to love my two pain in the ass brothers, but luckily I met four great friends who have over the years turned into sisters. Therefore, not calling them my "best friends" left me with an open space, for the person who has now filled the role.

It took me multiple arguments, constant I hate yous, some separation, and tons of I love yous, to come to the conclusion I met my bf4lyfe.

After a good amount of time, maybe even years, you come to the realization that your girlfriends are the best but your boyfriend is your best friend.

Here are a few of my personal reasons why:

1. On the weekends you want to sit in with him, drink some beers and catch up on The Real World.

2. You share everything, whether it's the food on his plate or the boxers in his draw to sleep in; what's his is yours and what's yours is his.


3. No one will ever understand the nicknames and inside jokes between you two.

4. You can't go out without people asking "Where is he?"

5. You don't care about what you look like around him.

6. He eats your favorite food once a week even if he doesn't like it because, well, it's your favorite food.

7. The snapchats you send him are worse than the ones you send your friends...

8. You say the meanest things to each other but get over it 5 minutes later.

9. You forgo a nice dinner to eat Wawa subs and kill a six pack... because why not?

10. You have more pictures with him then you have of yourself.

11. There is absolutely no privacy between you two.

12. No matter what mood your in, he makes you smile at all hours of the day.

13. Most importantly, you can't imagine a better best friend.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Facebook Needs To Disappear Like Myspace Did


It will be three years this June that my Facebook has been deactivated and it was the smartest decision I made since I stopped eating dollar store frozen food.

There are numerous reasons I am not a fan of Facebook. One being I don't enjoy being reminded that when I was younger I went through a very awkward stage in which I should of never been photographed during. Two being those drunken tagged photos the day after I drank myself into a comma doesn't make me feel too great. And three, I have enough needless social media aggravation between obnoxious Twitter and Instagram posts that I don't need anymore.

Nonetheless, I found those to be good enough reasons to deactivate it, but the main reason I have no interest in Facebook is because I have no interest in anyone's lives that I need to find out information about through a post.

If you are a close friend, or part of my family then everything I need to know about you, I know. I do not need to worry about you posting big news on Facebook and finding out there first. I am aware that the closest people in my life keep me in the loop of what's going on before posting it for people they haven't spoken to in four years to read.

Plus, it does not concern me that Lisa is visiting Europe for the second time this year. Or Jessica is engaged to her very wealthy high school sweetheart.

The things I see on Facebook just boggle my mind.....
Like my cat died or I just got my third new job, with hopes people care.

It's bad enough some people's self-esteem's are ruined after the "like" button was created, but now this is another factor of not only "liking" a picture but giving you attention by liking your posts or commenting on your page.

And why is it after some people Instagram a photo they have to also add it to their Facebook?!?! Seeing it once was enough.

Oh it's great how everybody turns into a comedian.. "Got Beat Up by Beat The Clock".. Lol

And yes I love my dog but does he need to be tagged in his own Facebook page?... I think not.

I don't mean to be a negative Nancy, I am not trying to be negative at all. My friends bitch at me all the time for deactivating my Facebook. They tell me I took away pictures of us which was "memories" but some of those memories are better off not being remembered....

I will continue to enjoy my non-Facebook days. Especially after my Mom screams "I just posted a #TBT of you and your brothers." 

No thank you.